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Ready to roll!

Welcome to Smart Squad – It has been a long time coming. Our team has working on the app over two years, and we are ready to release it to the world. What started as two other apps – nForm and nSite, has been turned into an entire platform for mobile officers.

We have had the app in the hands of many officers over the last couple years, and are excited to see the impacts of its use within law enforcement.

We are currently seeking a couple of agencies to start running the app in the next few months – to become trusted advisers to help the product evolve even further. Please contact us if you are interested in a demo or free trial.

Finally, if you are one of the many officers, advisers, designers, developers, or beta users that we have been keeping busy over the last two years, a big thank you – we could not have launched this without you.

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9 Richelieu Place,

Beaumont, Alberta, Canada

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